
Today I couldn’t sleep.

The hours ticked by quickly as if they were disguised as minutes. Restlessly, I wandered the internet. I thought of the future and planned a few ideas. I decided to check my email and a twitter message revealed itself. “Do you know that…?” The message listed 4 people that I may know who are on twitter. One randomly happened to be my mother. It woke up my curiosity and longing ache. I went on a searching spree. I typed her name in google and found her on every site. (literally)

But as I searched, never did I imagine that I’d find out in my quest, she’d been keeping up with me… My emotions knotted themselves within my chest. A video that a fellow poet made about me last year was posted on Youtube. She’d seen and liked it. (I have no clue she found it) But does that mean she searches for my name as I do hers? I stumbled across her blog. She wrote of my godfather Fred and stories of his amazing character. She spoke of work, her health, letters, and of me? She wrote that I was actively pursing my dream. Getting my Masters (um…lol) and that I’ve accomplished many creative projects as a student.

As I read, she talked more on letters. She expressed her love of them and asked where did the days of writing go. Mom has worked for the postal service for years, I always wondered what made her stay. I finally found out.

So tonight, I shall write her a letter. From now on she will always get a letter. Every month. Every year. I will write. She will know I care.


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